Sunday School Network

Eleven Minute

Easy Easter Musical | by Mike Barnard

The kids I work with are ages 5 to 10. It is very difficult to act out dramas with dialog since some can't even read. I used three songs and attempted to coordinate the scenes to the peaks and valleys of the music. I edited out one verse of "How Great Thou Art" to shorten the total time of the drama. The version I used is a contemporary one. I am going to use traditional costumes for all the cast. Below is an outline of the drama with the length of the songs I used. Depending on which version of the song you use, you may have to alter the times. You will notice that some of the cast has two and even three different parts. This can be modified depending on how many actors you have. You can view our Easter Musical on Youtube too!

Crippled Girl, Mary Magdalene, James, Dead Girl, Mary Mother of James Judas, Disciple 1, Disciple 2, Disciple 3, Insane Boy, Pilate, Angel, Guard 1, Guard 2, Jesus, Peter, Joseph of Arimathea, John, Nicodemus 

Drama Items, Crown of Thorns, Cross, Pilate Head Piece, Hammer (Plastic), Tomb, Whip, Angel Wings, Scroll 

Music runtime, approximately 11:00 minutes total:
I Can Only Imagine - Time 4:22
How Great Thou Art (EDITED) - Time 3:49
Awesome God - Time 2:46

Act 1 - Music – I Can Only Imagine - Time 0:00 

All Start Motionless. Jesus holds head down, then lifts arms looking up. 
Jesus heals crippled girl. (Take cane.) (Girl is happy, hugs and leaves.) 
Jesus calms insane boy. (Touch boy.) (Boy is happy, hugs and leaves.) 
Jesus resurrects dead girl. (Lift up girl.) (Girl is happy, hugs and leaves.) 

Act 2 - Time 1:30 
Peter, James and John enter. Jesus begins to pray. 
Judas and guards enter. Judas hugs Jesus. (Jesus sad.) Time 2:05 
Guards take Jesus to side. Others leave. 

Act 3 - Time Unknown 
Pilate enters and points at Jesus while looking at scroll then exits. 
Guard 1 whips Jesus. Both Mary's, Joseph, and Nicodemus enter. Time 2:45 
Guard 2 takes off Jesus' coat and puts crown of thorns on his head. (Jesus sad.) 
Jesus forced to carry cross to other side of stage. (Cross is heavy.) 
Guard 2 nails hands and feet to cross. (Jesus in pain.) 
Crucifixion. Guard 1 spears Jesus in side. (Jesus is dead.) Time 3:45 

Act 4 - Music - How Great Thou Art- Time 4:25 
Joseph, Nicodemus, and both Marys take Jesus off cross and to tomb. (Sad) 
Put on his coat and inside tomb. (All stand to hide Jesus from people.) 
All leave except Guards and Jesus. Time 6:00 
Guards roll stone over door and stand guard. Time 6:20 

Act 5 - Music - Awesome God- Time 8:15 
Angel enters. Guards stand aside, scared and still. 
Angel rolls away stone. Time 8:55 
Both Mary's come and see angel. (Shocked) 
Jesus comes from behind tomb, behind both Mary's. (Hugs) Time 9:50 
Both Mary's run to get disciples. (Happy/Surprised) 
Both Mary's return with Disciples and all hug Jesus. (Happy) Time 10:15 


© 2010 Mike Barnard
La Gran Comision Church
Morristown, TN.

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