This interactive story coordinates well with our children's Bible lessons on the Beatitudes for Kids and our Sermon On The Mount--Kingdom Kids.
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Teacher reads the following alliteration story of the Prodigal Son, inspired from the Gospel of Luke 15:11-24. When a “P” word is spoken children stand up. When the next “P” word is spoken they sit down. Children stand and sit until the story is finished. Alternately, have children hand sign the word, empty. Make sure to emphasize the bolded "P" words when saying them.
Begin reading with children sitting in their chairs:
"There was a man who had two proud sons. The younger one said to his Papa, ‘Give me my
portion of the property.' So the Papa divided his property and gave half to his younger son.”
The younger son decided he didn’t want to live with his Papa, so he pocketed the money and ran off to a distant land.
While he was away, the younger son got into all kinds of problems and spent all the money
in his pockets, which his Papa had given him. He did all sorts of bad things,
and was now penniless, tired, and hungry!
The younger son decided to find a profession to support himself, but the only
profession he could find was providing for pigs. Eventually the younger son got so hungry that even the
pig’s food started to look good to him!
Finally, the younger son came to his senses. He pondered, “Maybe if I tell my
Papa I’m so sorry for what I’ve done and plead with him to hire me, then at least I’d have food to eat and a
place to sleep!
While the poor boy was a long way off, his Papa peered into the distance and saw him. He was filled with love for him. He ran to his son,
pulled him in close, wrapped his arms around him, puckered up
his lips and kissed him.
The son said to his Papa, ‘I have sinned against God and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.'
But the Papa said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best clothing and put
it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Prepare
a feast, because we’re going to have a big party! I thought my son was dead, but he is alive; he was lost and is found!
Praise God Almighty!
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