Sunday School Network

The Fall of Life, a Faithful Race

 Bible Lesson and Game

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" 2 Timothy 4:7 (ESV).

Fall is a season of wonderful cinnamon and spice smells, dark, rich colors, pumpkin carving, cooler weather, and crackling fires. It is also the time of year when leaves fall off trees, and things begin to die. And as the cold winter months descend, the days grow shorter, and as winter wears on, we often grow weary of the cold. Even so, in these dark days, we can look forward to the hope of new birth come Springtime. 

When the Apostle Paul wrote, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith," he knew he was nearing the end---the "Fall" of his life. But he didn't face it with fear. Despite how difficult life had become, because of his faith in Jesus, he was satisfied that God had sustained him, God had "run" alongside him. Paul was able to face death, because of the hope of resurrection---the hope of new birth. Because he trusted Jesus, he knew his future was secure; when he died, he would live with God for eternity!

All of us will face the "Fall" season of life. Some will face it when they're young, and others when they're old. But will you be able to say, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith"? The race begins when you ask Jesus to be your Savior and Forever Friend. God's Holy Spirit will then begin changing you, through the reading of his Word, by talking to him in prayer, and obeying him. God will work in your life, so that you too will be able to finish the race, and at the end of your life, be it when you're young or old, you will be able to say, "I have kept the faith!" 

Today's game will help us remember to run our life-race well! 

What you need: small to medium sized pumpkins, wooden dowels or small brooms.

What you do: Play in teams or individually. Each player or team will need a pumpkin. Establish a course with a start line and a finish. At the go, players roll their pumpkin by using the dowel or broom to push it to the finish line. If playing on teams, players take turns by rolling the pumpkin to the opposite end of the playing area, and then back to the start to tag off to the next player in line. Next player in line proceeds as before. Players win by finishing the race! 

Optional: allow children to decorate their pumpkins using permanent markers, paint, feathers, sequins, etc.

Copyright 2015 S.A. Keith 

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