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Issue #7 - February 19, 2008
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

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1) Shorter Catechism Idea for Question 6
2) Jesus' Temptation
3) Outdoor VBS?
4) Fresh ideas for Water of Life?
5) Bleach and Science Experiments
6) Holy Land Experience
7) Easter Bunny and Real Meaning of Easter
8) Easter Skit: The Centurion
Can you say the commands in order?
The Look n' Learn technique proves you
really CAN teach
"old dogs" new tricks! Just think how effective it
will be for the kids in your ministry!
Look n' Learn the Ten Commandments
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Shorter Catechism Idea for Question 6
Question 6: How many persons are there in the Godhead?
Answer: There are three persons in the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost;
and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory.
The idea: Make Trinity Breadsticks. Learn how in the Christian
Crafts-Yummy Devotions section at:
--from SSTN: email SSTN your catechism ideas. Send to sstn@sundayschoolnetwork.com!
You can find the catechism
questions with answers at: http://www.westminstershortercatechism.net
2) Jesus' Temptation
Just wanted to share this with everyone-
Our lesson this week was about Jesus being tempted in the wilderness. He was able to stand up to the devil because He had God's word in His heart.
I gave each of my kids a heart necklace (8 in a pack for $1.50 at Wal-Mart) and a strip of paper with this verse on it:
"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." (Psalms 119:11)
Then, they rolled up the strip of paper and put it inside the heart on the necklace. I explained how powerful
knowledge of God's Word is.
3) Outdoor VBS?
We are a new church and we have a very small building with only two small classrooms. This makes it unsuitable to do many of the Vacation Bible School programs.
However, we have a wonderful park right across the street from the church. I'm interested in resources for doing an outdoor VBS and would like to hear how others have done it.
Cathy Bodell
New Hope Church Of Christ
Benzonia, Michigan
4) Fresh ideas for Water of Life?
Any help with explaining the concept of Jesus telling the woman at the well
that he is the Water of Life - especially to 5-8 year olds please
5) Bleach and Science Experiments
I suggest you use powdered bleach if you must use bleach in SS.
We do not use it, as it is just too dangerous, and will ruin carpet or clothing.
6) Holy Land Experience
Having been to the Holy Land Experience years ago and the real Holy Land, I can offer that going to the H.L. Ex. in Orlando is like a fabulous
snippet of the real thing. I agree that it is a bit expensive, but well worth it. Looking forward to going again some time... it is a tremendous blessing.
Marilyn C., Wheatfield, NY
7) Easter Bunny and Real Meaning of Easter
There is a book called "Easter Bunny, Are You For Real?" that has some neat
ideas about connecting the bunny to Easter. Maybe that will help you!
God's blessings,
Amy Siegert
--from SSTN: you can find the book in our bookstore by typing the title into
the search box at:
8) Easter Skit: The Centurion
Richard Ruddle has written another engaging skit which tells the Easter story
through the eyes of a Roman Centurion. You can find it online in our skits
section at: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/skits.html
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