**** A service of ChristianCrafters.Com ****

"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus

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SSTN # 70 - June 9, 2003

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1) Jesus Lighthouse
2) Son-Seekers?
3) Multi-aged classes
4) Penpals   
5) Penpals   

--> July 4th Activity...

6) Skits for 1950's Theme
7) Curriculum for 3-5th grade
8) Penpals
9) Choosing SS Curriculum

--> Sword of the Spirit - Bookmark

10) Used SS curriculum and Bibles to give away
11) Penpals
12) Father's Day Craft
13) Armor of God Song
14) Used SS materials to give away

--> Is SSTN helping you?

<>< <>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <>< <><

1) Jesus Lighthouse

Jesus is the LIGHT of the World - Lighthouse.
Find it in the crafts section of the website: 

(you may need to copy and paste the address to your browser)

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2) Son-Seekers?

We're doing "Son-Seekers: Diggin' the Righteous Truth" for VBS this year.
Any ideas? You can email me with ideas at Phoenix01@zoominternet.net.

--from SSTN: for those responding, please reply to SSTN so everyone may
benefit from your knowledge. Thanks! sarah keith <><

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3) Multi-aged Classes

A message was posted a few days ago concerning 2 - 12 year olds in a
single class.  As a preschool Sunday School teacher, I would like to know
how this arrangement works.  I have 3 - 6 year old children and have a
hard time with story ideas that the young 3's in the class will
understand while still keeping the interest of the 6 year olds.  Because
of the fact that there is a huge developmental difference in these ages
(2-12), my church believes that they should not be together in a Sunday
School setting.  We have 2 separate classes for these ages, 3-6 and K-4.
Fifth grade students are in the middle school class.

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4) Penpals   

This message is for Samantha (Sam) Langton who posted in #64, May 23, 2003
about getting some penpals.  I would be interested in doing something with
this.  Please let me know if you set something up.  Thanks.

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5) Penpals

I would love to have our Sunday School exchange letters with your SS. We
are located in New Jersey, USA. Please send me your email address & info
about your SS.  Rose

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--> July 4th Activity...Make the USA Patriotic Catcher

Kids will learn the answers to eight basic USA citizenship questions such
as, "Why did the Pilgrims come to America?"; What is the US Constitution?,
and "What does the First Amendment guarantee?". A great activity for July
4th! Kids can make it and take it home! Print out as many patterns as you
need for a onetime fee of only $3.00.

Find the USA Patriotic Catcher at:
(you may need to copy and paste the address to your browser)

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6) Skits for 1950's Theme

My church is putting on a VBS themed to the 50's. We are having a hard
time finding any skits to do. Thank You
We wrote a 50's theme VBS called GraceLand. It was based on the travels of
the Apostle Paul. "Elvis' themed items we part of our decor. We rewrote
some of his songs to fit the stories. If you would like more information
you can email me at jmeagher@buckeye-express.com.
Joy, Toledo, Ohio

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7) Curriculum for 3-5th grade

This is in reply to choosing a curriculum for 3-5th
grade.  I have taught this age group for about 3 years
now--initially with a create my own walk through the
Bible every 3 years (this was VERY time consuming and
painful), and now we use Godprints from Cook.  I
really enjoy the Godprints.  It's interactive, messy
and fun.  Each story is taught twice, emphasizing the
application to their lives.  For example, we learned
about Saul's conversion, the point being that if God
could change Saul's heart and use him, he can change
anyone's heart.  Also, if God could forgive Saul's
sins and use him, he can forgive us and use us.

Good luck with your choices!


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8) Penpals

in reply to Samantha in England--

My eight-year-old daughter read your posting over my shoulder and really
wants to participate in your pen-pal request--(oh--and my kids church
too...)  :)  Where do you want letters sent to?  Could you send or e-mail
a letter back?

Dana in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

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9) Choosing SS Curriculum

I would begin by looking at your children's ministries vision/mission
statement and goals. Is it a goal that every child memorize specific
things by a specific age or grade? Do you want to emphazize  bible verse
memorization? Part of our purpose statement is that we want the kids to
experience stories. Therefore, we wouldn't want to use curriculum that has
them sitting in their chairs while the teacher lectures. Do you want to
develop specific character traits? Do you want them to focus on biblical
concepts, or are you interested in teaching behaviors...how to worship,
how to pray, etc.
Next I would think about your teachers. Will they need to gather their own
materials each week, or do you want them to have it all in a kit (like
Group's Hand's-On curriculum)? How do they like to teach? Some teachers
(like me) feel very confined by a teaching guide that says "do this" and
"say that". I'm much more comfortable if someone says, "You're teaching
about Ruth and Naomi. I would like for you to teach about how God provided
for them using the field's of Boaz". I can then decide if I want to use a
"cooking" lesson (dipping marshmellows in peanut butter and rollling them
in rice krispies to demonstrate gleaning) or if I want to play a game, or
I might have them make up music to a song about Ruth. you might also talk
to the teachers about what has and hasn't worked before. I would ask
teachers who maybe aren't teaching anymore, they can probably give you
some insight also. Hope this has been helpful!

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Sword of the Spirit - Bookmark

The Old and New Testament books are listed on either side of the sword's
blade. A great Scripture memory tool from ChristianCrafters.Com.

Children can make it and take it home. Print out as many patterns as you
need for a one time fee of only $3.00. To see a picture and to learn more, go
to the following webpage:  


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10) Used SS curriculum and Bibles to give away

We have used Sunday School curriculum (mostly Cokesbury and some Group
Publishing), Good News Bibles and other materials that we'd love to give
to anyone who can use them and will pay the postage. I can send a detailed
listing of what we have to anyone interested, just email me at

Marie Strolin

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11) Penpals

I would like to get the contact information to this person Sam ...
I would love to do this penpal thing with her .
Thank you.

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12) Father's Day Craft?

Hi all, I am the Christian Education Coordinator for our Church and I need
a craft for all ages for Fathers Day.  I used the Mothers Day Craft from
this sight and everyone really liked it.... Now comes Fathers Day.  We
take  the Sunday of Fathers Day and use it for the whole childrens Sunday
School to make something for Dad!
Any ideas will be appreciated... also wanted you to know how much I
appreciate this sight... so many great ideas that I have utilized...
thanks....... Gail

--from SSTN: check the Crafts page and Archives at:

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13) Armor of God Song

In response for songs and ideas for teaching the armor of God, here is a
song to the tune of Onward Christian soldiers.  In order to fit in the
sylables, underlined ones are sung as ONE NOTE.  I used poster boards, cut
in shield shapes and printed the words with illustrations on them.  I made
a little boy in armor, then made the individual pieces as the words
pertaining to them were sung:

Little Christian soldier, put God's armor on.
When Sa-tan sees that armor, he'll leave you alone!
Remember, little soldier, for every fiery dart,
You have on God's belt of truth and His breastplate on your heart.

Onward, little soldier, with God's armor on;
When Sa-tan sees that armor. he'll leave you alone!

Little Christian soldier in your gospel shoes
And helmet of salvation, carrying Good News,
Hold your shield before you, your sword, God's Word in hand.
You are ready for the fight and with God's help you'll stand.


A great lesson on the armor of God can be found with CEF.  Their
flannelgraph pictures are pretty and the kids love them.

Helen Setser

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14) Used SS Materials to give away

First on a personal note, thank you for the years of inspiration you have
provided to me.  I have been teaching Sunday School for 14 years and
learned of your web site a few years back.  You have been a valuable
resource to me!

After 14 years of teaching, I have resigned my position for a variety of
reasons.  As a result, I am left with the task to clean out may years of
resources, some destined for the trash bin, but some are not.  I wondered
if you may know of a church that would need some misc teaching resources
(back issues of Children's Ministries Magazines, literature books,
children's workbooks, etc) and some odds and ends craft supplies.
Everything is in excellant condition and may be a valuable treasure to a
"less fortunate" ministry.

I would appreciate your input..

Thanks again!
Lynn Dyal

--from SSTN: thank you Lynn for your encouraging words and your
willingness to help other ministries. May God bless you as you seek new
ways to serve him!
ysic, Sarah Keith <><

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Sarah Keith <><
438 East Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403

(In the memo section of your check write: "SSTN Subscription".
Please include your email address.)

Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><

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--Copyright 2002 S.A. Keith--All Rights Reserved. ----
Please read the complete copyright information at ChristianCrafters.Com.
You will find the link at the bottom of the homepage.

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