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#3 for the "Most Popular Site in Christian Education" (Source: Alexa.com - May
Issue #64 -
October 11, 2007
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

1) Our Church does Trunk or Treat
2) Fishers Of Men ideas
3) Adult Sermon Illustrations
4) Fall of Jericho lessons?
<--- Watch this video!
5) Steps of Faith
6) Kid's Club Badges
7) Fishers of Men Skit idea
8) Halloween: A Reason to Celebrate
9) Fishers of Men Skit
Craft: Halloween
Find it listed in the
crafts section.
His marriage
illustrated how God loved his people even though they continually sinned
against him.
(The answer is
in this newsletter)

Fun Activities
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Christian Crafts
Christian Skits
Missions For Kids
Recycling Ideas
Sermons &
Object Talks
1) Our Church does Trunk or Treat
You Decorate your Trunks of Vehicles and Put candy into Them. After Short Service and then Hotdogs and Chips, the kids who dress as Bible Characters Go to the Trunks to get candy. The Best Trunk Voted By Kids and Parents Gets a Prize. Have Fun.
2) Fishers Of Men ideas
Dear Kali,
Some fishermen use a short line of praise hoping to catch some interest, while
others like to ask a question. Sometimes I think a question mark is like a hook,
and we have to put something good on it, like...".What do you like about Jesus?"
We should be always ready ourselves with a good answer like..."I like how Jesus
always told the truth and always knew the right answers whenever he talked to people."
Jesus Saves!
Q. What can we do with a net? Maybe we can throw something over them like a blessing.... "
God watches over you daily, and when you do good, you are his delight."
3) Adult Sermon Illustrations
Some good books for adult sermon illustrations are:
"Swindoll's Ultimate Book of Illustrations"
"Nelson's Complete Book of Stories, Illustrations and Quotes"
"Preacher's Sourcebook of Creative Sermon Illustrations"
"1500 Illustrations for Biblical Preaching"
--from SSTN: all of these books may be found in our bookstore by typing "sermon illustrations" into the search box at:
4) Fall of Jericho lessons?
i am wanting to do a lesson on the fall of Jericho. i would like for it to last several weeks. i teach the age group 2-5 years old if anyone has any suggestions i would really appreciate it. Thanks, God Bless You wanda
5) Steps of Faith
Dear Amy and Brenda,
I would be happy to share "Steps of Faith" with you. I developed a list of prayers, Bible verses etc that I wanted the elementary aged children to learn before they were confirmed in high school. These included: The Lord's Prayer, The Shema, The 23rd Psalm, John 3:16, The Ten Commandments, A personal "Life Verse", The names of the 12 Disciples, The Books of the Old Testament, The Books of the New Testament, The Apostle's Creed, our church's mission statement and also be able to explain what Salvation means.
Younger children took two years or more to complete their steps, but 4 & 5th graders were able to complete their steps in a year. The people who were stitching the medals and making the
shields were also the children's mentors. They prayed for their kids, and met with them monthly to check their progress. They presented the badges to the kids in church each month. As the children aged out and moved to the youth classes, many of the mentors stayed in place and continued to mentor their kids through confirmation. My daughter, Stasia, was in the first class that did the "Steps of Faith", she is now a junior in college and she is still very close to her mentor.
The wonderful thing about this program is not just kids learning God's word, but the relationships that have been formed with kids and older adults, many of which had no local family or any children in their lives. I hope this helps you and brings as many blessings to your churches has it has to mine.
--from SSTN: FYI: The Shema, from
Deuteronomy 6:4-9, is the central prayer in Judaism. To read more, follow this
link: http://www.hebrew4christians.com/Scripture/Torah/The_Shema/the_shema.html
6) Kid's Club Badges
How did you make the actual patches to put on the sash?
Fishers of Men Skit idea
>I would like to put a lesson together teaching about us being fisher's of men.
Kali- there's a website where I get skits from that can help there's a puppet skit that talks about
Fishers of men, You could also do it with people with a little revising. fishersofkids.com
Also our vacation bible school last year had a beach theme and we did a lot of the bible stories on Jesus
and the disciples in the boat. I decorated my room with rope strung around in a swag
pattern that held up floaty rings and made construction paper fish to hang from the rope with the
kids' names written on them, we also did goldfish crackers as snacks and a jello snack that looked like
a beach! Graham crackers crumbs for the beach sand, in a small clear cup, blue jello with gummy worms, the kids
thought it was way fun!
Good Luck.
Rachel from Texas
8) Halloween: A Reason to Celebrate
I Teach 3 Grade Religious Education, and to help my students we dress up as Saints and they learn a little about any saint they choose. And stand up in front of church and say a sentence on what interested them most about who they choose. (usually it is someone with the same name). We do this for ALL SAINTS day the night before Halloween. I have had some parents say they choose to wear there costume out the next night with there friends to trick or treat and have had some wonderful
stories to tell me the next class.
God Bless
Deb from Michigan
9) Fishers of Men Skit
There's a sample skit and video to watch at:
It's also noted in the numbered menu, above, whereby you can watch a short video.
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
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Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
This issue's Bible
Trivia answer is, "Hosea". Used by permission. From the game, Bible
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