
Place for Christian Education Communication
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the top Christian education
need the Lord...teach them about Jesus!
New Year!
Issue #54 - December 31,
2008 For
where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. ~ Jesus
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Visit our Prayer Board. Scroll to
the bottom of the newsletter
for details.
this issue of the SSTN Newsletter:
Scroll down
the page to view articles.
1) Bible Curriculum Book Club: Gifts of the Spirit
2) How to Send Ideas
to Website?
3) New Year's Ideas?
4) Recipe for the New Year
participation makes SSTN a success!
5) Email Spoofing
6) Promise of New Beginnings
7) New Year's Goals Pinata
8) Look n' Learn Memory Technique
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& Holy Days
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F-R-E-E Resources
Bible Games
Christian Crafts
Christian Skits
Object Talks
Missions For Kids
Recycling Ideas
1) Bible Curriculum Book Club:
Gifts of the Spirit
I am excited to announce the launching of our Bible Curriculum Book Club
for the coming New Year! Beginning January 2009, I am encouraging you to join
me in teaching through the gifts of the Spirit. As we move through the lessons,
please share your
wisdom, insights and creative suggestions via this newsletter.
To learn more about the Book Club program, and to receive a book club discount, please visit the following page:
God's blessings for the New Year!
Sarah Keith <><
2) How to Send Ideas to Website?
How can I send ideas to the SundaySchoolNetwork.com website?
--from SSTN: First understand that ideas must be your own or you must have
permission from the author to send them.
Then, you may send ideas to info@sundayschoolnetwork.com
We will then review them for
possible inclusion in the website.
For more information pertaining to copyright issues, please see our copyright
and permissions page:
3) New Year's Ideas?
lessons or craft ideas do you have for the New Year?
--from SSTN: check out the Crafts and Object Talks links in the bright, green
box near the top of this newsletter.
4) Recipe for the New Year
Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.
Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Talk to God about what is going on in your life. Buy a lock if you have to.
When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, 'My
purpose is to__________ today. I am thankful for______________'
Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli , almonds & walnuts.
Try to make at least three people smile each day.
Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
Eat breakfast like a queen, lunch like a princess, and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.
Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
Don't take yourself so seriously....no one else does.
You are not so important that you have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'
Forgive everyone for everything.
What other people think of you is none of your business.
GOD heals everything in his own way - but it helps if you ask Him.
However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch!!!
Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: I am thankful for__________.
Today I accomplished_________.
Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
When you are feeling down, start listing your many blessings. You'll be smiling before you know it.
God Bless You!
5) Email Spoofing
If you receive an email that appears to come from SundaySchoolNetwork.com, and
that asks for personal information, DO NOT GIVE it out! Lately there has been
a rash of spoof emails coming from someone mimicking our email addresses.
Please know, we are not sending them.
This brings us to another issue, PLEASE,
make sure you update your virus software daily before going online or
participating in SSTN.
Thank you!
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
6) Promise
of New Beginnings
Home the Prodigals is a story of promise and the triumph of love for those
who care about
Do you have a prodigal that you love or do you know someone who does? Then, click
here to learn more.
7) New Year's Goals Pinata
Check out how to use a pinata to reward your class time goals. Follow this link:
8) Look n' Learn Memory Technique
I just wanted to write to say that over six months ago we taught our kids the Ten Commandments using the Look n' Learn memory
technique. We then reviewed the commands the other day and they still remembered them!
--from SSTN: Awesome! For anyone else who's interested in the Look n' Learn cards or poster, you can read more at:
Support Christian
Education...Support SSTN
Your donation of one dollar a month helps to provide the Christian educational resources in the website and newsletter.
To learn how you can help, go to the following webpage: http://www.SundaySchoolNetwork.com/ministry_support.html
Or, write your US check or US Money Order to:
S.A. Keith - Creative Imaginations (d.b.a.)
Mail to:
438 East
Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403
(In the memo section of your check write: "SSTN Subscription". Please
include your email address.)
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
Visit the following page
to learn how you can advertise your
business, ministry or product to over
25,000 Christian
Posting Guidelines: http://SundaySchoolNetwork.com/SSTN_guidelines.html
Copyright 1997 -
2008 / d.b.a. "S. A. Keith of Creative Imaginations
in any medium, commercial or noncommercial, is strictly prohibited
without prior written permission. SSTN has contributors from all
over the world who share their ideas. If you reprint any of the
ideas from SSTN, SundaySchoolNetwork.com or ChristianCrafters.Com in
any medium (websites, magazines, newsletters, etc.), you must
contact the submitter, and website for reprint permissions. Any
materials used must also include the submitter's name and where the
ideas were gleaned from. The opinions expressed or advertisements
displayed in the SSTN e-Newsletter are not necessarily endorsed by
SundaySchoolNetwork.com or any of its affiliates. SSTN reserves the
right to edit and or exclude information from the SSTN e-Newsletter.
| SSTN.org | ChristianCrafters.com | Bible-4-Life.com
ChristianTeachersNetwork.com | Sunday-School-Lessons.com | Bible-Lessons.net
| FreeCraftsAndGames.com
SSTN has developed a Prayer Board for it's members. You
may submit your requests, but while you're there, pray for
others too! We ask that you guard this area and monitor it for
abuses that could arise. It is not a place for gossip or for
marketing products. Please respect this area. It has been set apart
for you! Follow this link to begin posting your prayer requests and
praying for your brothers and sisters in Christ across the world:
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To SUBSCRIBE a new email address, visit the following page at:
(If you are subscribing your friends, make sure you have their
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the unsubscribe link.
here to access, and search out, past topic ideas from SSTN!