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Issue #4 - February 1, 2008
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

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the page to view articles.
1) Remembering Senior Citizens
2) Armor of God Ideas
3) Science Experiments?
4) God Rules: Ten
Commands Skit
Book of RUTH:
Lights, Camera, Action Bible Skits
5) Christian Ed Resources
6) Autism Speaks
7) Guidelines for S.S. Director?
8) Holy Week Easter Preparation
9) Ten Commandments in the Positive
Catch the Beatitudes!
Kids learn the Beatitudes while playing.
An Easy Make n' Take Download
Click here.
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1) Remembering Senior Citizens Throughout the Year
This is a great idea. Many of our seniors don't get the attention they need. In
response to the suggestion of giving a radio/CD player, I would like to share my experience with my mother. I, too, thought she would enjoy being able to listen to music of her
choosing. I bought what I thought was an easy-to-operate radio/CD with a clock that had large numbers. However, I find that the only time it gets used is when I am with her. Even with the directions nearby, she doesn't try to play it on her own. She has trouble setting the clock, so I need to come over if there is a power outage or the time changes. We do enjoy the music when we are together, but it wasn't the greatest gift I've given my mom.
In contrast, our K - 4 Sunday School children have been meeting about once a month following church and Sunday School for an activity. One of the things that has really worked well for our Junior Disciples is making Christmas cards in November and then taking them to a nursing home in December to sing a few songs and give each resident a special, hand-made card. The kids love the activity and the residents love the extra attention. Yes this could be done for any of the holidays. (One of the mothers is a stamper and sets up a sample of each card in advance. The children can follow the example exactly or change the elements around to make the card their own. She makes at least 5 different cards and each child makes one card at each
station. There is an adult supervising at each station.)
In Christ, Karla Broadlands, Illinois
2) Armor of God Ideas
Hi there I did a lesson on the armor of God & it was really successful. We did a relay race to dress in the armor of God - shoes, hats, belts, shields, swords & vests ( the shields & swords I got from the $2 shop). Get the kids in 2 teams & they race against each other to get the whole armor of God on & then off again until their whole team has finished. They loved it! One of the other activities we did was to make a sword & decorate it with tinfoil & other decorations with the memory verse on it.
Hope this helps!
Nicola (New Zealand)
3) Science Experiments?
We are going to do Power Lab VBS this summer and I am planning ahead...
does anyone have some really cool science experiments they could send my way?
Thanks, Nancy
--from SSTN: for those responding, please copy to SSTN. Also, use the
"Search" link at the top of this issue. Type "science"
into the search box and you'll find many relevant resources.
Do you know the commandments? Can you say them in order?
Do you know the Ten Commandments? Can
you say them in order?
Look at the first three commandments, below.
and imitate the action using your fingers.
You'll have them memorized in seconds!
#1 Have no other gods.
(God is #1. Hold up one finger.)
#2 Don't worship idols.
(Two fingers "bow down".)
#3 Don't misuse God's name. (Three fingers held over mouth.)
Download all ten and your kids will have them memorized in minutes! Click
4) God Rules: Ten
Commands Skit
Find it on the following webpage:
5) Christian Ed Resources
The featured resources have been updated at:
(Once there, scroll to bottom of page to locate them)
6) Autism Speaks
The band, Five for Fighting, is generously donating $0.40 to Autism Speaks
for *each time* the video is viewed. The funding goes toward research
studies to help find a cure. When you have a moment, please visit the link
below to watch the video and pass it along to your friends and family.
(AOL servers might not be able to open the video. View it on another browser.)
7) Guidelines
for S.S. Director?
Good evening
My name is Pastor Sammy Louw from Durban, South Africa. Our church is build on Pentecostal Charismaticv principles.
We have branches all over South Africa, Namibia and Botswana.
I have been appointed as our church's Sunday School Director.
My duties include the preparation of Sunday School calendar, registers, Bible Class Lessons for 10 to 13 year olds, Junior Sunday School learning material and activities as well as training material for the Sunday School teachers.
Please give me some guidelines.
Pastor Sammy Louw
8) Holy Week Easter Preparation
and print the following explanations for each child.
1) Palm Branches - (Palm Sunday) Jesus was hailed as King (Matthew
21:1-9, Mark 11: 1-9, Luke 19:28-38, John 12:12-19).
2) Bread and Wine – The Last Supper "Passover" (Matthew
26:17-29; Mark 14:12-25; Luke 22:7-25;
John 13:1-38).
3) Rooster - Jesus predicted that Peter would deny him three times before
the rooster crowed (Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75; Mark 14:27-31, 66-72; Luke
22:31-34, 54-62; John 13:36-38, 18:15-18, 18:25-27).
4) Thirty Pieces of Silver – Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of
silver (Matthew 26:14-16; Mark 14:10-11; Luke 22:3-5, 47-48).
5) Crown of Thorns – Roman soldiers mocked Jesus as King of the Jews and
placed a crown of thorns on his head (Matthew 27:27-31; Mark 15:16-20; John
6) Nails – Jesus was crucified by being nailed to a cross (Matthew
27:31; Mark 15:20; Luke 23:33;
John 19:16).
The rest of this activity may be found at: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/craft_eggholders.html
9) Ten Commandments in the
Check them out at: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/ten-commandments.htm
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Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
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