1) Starting a Sunday School
> I need some ideas on how to go about starting a Sunday school > I attend a very small church with an average attendance of ten
> people...we have no children...
I was wanting you to know that me and my husband did this also in a small church of 7 kids and 13 adults and we ended up having 40 kids and 30 adults and still going. We started by making flyers about what we are doing in the church and what time we start and getting some cookies or candy and putting it in bags and going out in the community and visiting people and handing out the flyers and cookies or candy and
inviting people to the church. Then we let everyone know also that we will have coffee, juice, donuts for
breakfast to feed anyone that wanted to eat before Sunday School started. We kept this up till we started getting kids and adults in and then we would use the kids to help us visit every 4 months to invite people. Just keep trying and God will make a way. God Bless You and Your Church
Michele Scercy
Children Pastor's
Felicia and Michael Evans
2) Sukkahs @ Fall Festivals
One year our kids built sukkahs at Halloween time. They had so much fun with the project and I still see them displayed in their homes. I always dread Halloween because I so much enjoy leading the children in worship at what I consider the important celebrations and activities (Christmas,
Easter, VBS) and do not feel at all called to spend my energies for the fall celebration. I have used various scripture studies over the years to teach the children at Halloween that there are only two sources of supernatural power that exist in the world and that Satan is a tricker who does seek whom he may devour by subtly attaining place in our minds and hearts.
Thank you for your post and the many, many insights and tips offered here.
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3) Starting a Sunday School
Hi, Michelle
My husband is pastor of a small church that sounds a lot like yours -- our attendance is 10-20 per service, all adults. We recently started a Sunday School and have just 3 children attending -- all from the same family! Their grandmother is a faithful member of our church, who has been fervently praying for the salvation of her children and grandchildren. She calls them every Sunday to remind them about SS. We have also offered to pick them up and bring them, but so far that hasn't been necessary. We are trying to include fun activities and crafts as part of our curriculum and the children seem to love it. We're hoping that soon they will be inviting some friends to come with them. I am also praying about offering piano lessons at the church as a way to get to know kids in the neighborhood. I am also interested in any ideas others who have been down this road before may have to share.
God bless you in your ministry and outreach to children!
Nancy Miles, Hunter, New York

Tuck them into greeting
cards or for class-time rewards!
4) The Night Before Christmas
"Twas the night before Christmas and Mary & Joe,
Had traveled all day, and had no place to go.
The clerk at the inn said, "I'm sorry we're booked.
There must be some place you haven't looked..."
Get the rest of "The Night Before Christmas" from:
5) Starting a Sunday School
Hi there, i think the best way, if you can, the church can launch a good news
club. You can sing, pray and tell Bible stories or missionary stories. The
idea is also that if the children like it and the parents start to ask
questions about Sunday school maybe they will start to come over. If children
liked it there they will ask mom and dad if they can go there permanent. I had
children come to our children church and the parents go to there church. The
very best is actually to pray and ask God for guidance. The good news club can
if possible be on a Friday afternoon by 3:00 or 4:00. I hope it was helpful.
Berdine Henning
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hoops getting your message out!
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6) Memorizing With 4-8 Year Olds?
Greeting To All In The Name Of Jesus
I teach a Sunday school class, the age group I teach is 4 to 8 years. What materials do you suggest I use.
Each class is 40 minutes long, we sing, I read a bible story and we interact on the story, we also do
The problem I experienced this year is memory verses. Is there a method I can use with this group as they cannot read.
What other material can I use to stimulate this age group?
Praise, Honor and Glory to Our God Most High.
--SSTN: the key for any age group is repetition, repetition,
repetition. For your age group specifically, an effective tool is using hand motions to reinforce
the words, either ones you, or you and your class have made up, or traditional
sign language. If you opt for sign language, there are two very helpful signing sites on our
links page, accessible from our home page at http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com
There are also some fun techniques to enhance your memory time. You can find
them in our website by typing memorization into the Search Me
link at http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com
And, check out "Teaching Memory Verses" from our Anytime Bible
Lessons page at http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/lessons-Bible.html
7) The Room...my dream
In that place between wakefulness and dreams, I found myself in
the room. There were no distinguishing features save for the one wall covered with small index-card files. They were like the ones in libraries that list titles by author or subject in alphabetical order. But these files, which stretched from floor to ceiling and seemingly endlessly in either direction, had very different headings. As I drew near the wall of files, the first to catch my attention was one that read "Girls I Have Liked." I opened it and began flipping through the cards. I quickly shut it, shocked to realize that I recognized the names written on each one.
And then without being told...
To read the rest of The Room, follow this
link to our Older Teens & Adult section at: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/lessons-Bible-teen-adult-study.html
While you're there, read about Dug Down Deep, a new
book by Joshua Harris.
8) Starting a Sunday School
Here are some ideas:
a. Make posters announcing the start of Sunday School and post them around your community and even in your church.
b. Have some small cards with Sunday School information on them for church members and others to take with them so they
can pass them out to people they might know would be interested in coming.
c. Have an First Day of Sunday School party.
d. Advertise in newspaper, newsletters, etc.
e. God be with you in this endeavor, as we all know if God is in it then it will happen.
9) Christmas Fundraiser / Giveaway
For use with the Noel Photo
Frame: set up a nativity scene photo booth. Photograph your children posing as Mary and
Joseph, then sell the pictures framed in the Noel Christmas Photo Frame or
give them away as gifts.
The nativity scene shown on
the following page was created using a
simple bamboo backdrop along with a baby doll in the manger and a few sheep
props in the foreground: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/curr-dwn-Noel-frame.html
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for you! "Enter his gates with thanksgiving, enter his courts
with praise!" Follow this link to begin posting your prayer requests and
praying for your brothers and sisters in Christ across the world:
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projects in the site, visit the following webpage: http://www.SundaySchoolNetwork.com/ministry_support.html
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Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
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