
The Place for Christian Education Communication
need the Lord...teach them about Jesus!
Issue #37 - October 15, 2009
where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. ~ Jesus
the buzz?
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1) Christmas Carol: Sixth Grade Scrooge
2) Thank you for your
3) Kids
Song: Jingle Bells Tune
4) Bible Without Error?
5) Bible Without Error
6) Christmas Carol - Scrooge In Bethlehem
7) Halloween - Gospel Tracts
8) Lip Synch Teen
9) Managing Your SSTN Subscription
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1) Christmas Carol: Sixth Grade Scrooge
Our Children's ministry is putting on a Christmas play called
"Sixth Grade Scrooge". It is a musical and all the children
get to participate. Even the littlest ones. Not everyone gets a
"part" but they are all enjoying rehearsing and the songs they
get to sing. It is about the the true meaning and spirit of Christmas.
--from SSTN: you can find the Sixth Grade Scrooge in our affiliate bookstore.
To locate it, type the title into
the book search box at: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/bookstore.html
2) Thank you for your prayers Dear servant of God,
Our ministry and prayer teams have kept lifting you before the Lord and we believe you are fine with your family.
We begin our open air evangelistic meetings and repentance Rallies on Wednesday in Mumias town. Believe with us for the great and maximum harvest. Pray for the Revival and outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Keep praying for the miracles which will cause people to believe in Jesus.
Kenya has gone through the moments of suffering. We have been tried and shaken by the enemy but God has not left us. Famine has claimed the lives of our dear
ones, especially in these last 2 years and it is time we
realized for this to stop we got to run to Jesus, and as the ministers of the gospel we got to be ready in and out of season to warn, exhort and lead the people to the Lord Jesus.
We appreciate for your help, encouragement and prayers which have really helped us reach the dying souls around East Africa.
We love you so much and may God richly bless you.
Yours in Christ
Gideon --from SSTN: Dear
Gideon, thank you so much for your prayers. Please post your request to our prayer board too. The link is at the bottom of this
3) Kids
Song: Jingle Bells Tune
Dear ones at SSTN
I am sorry the last mail just got clicked I couldn't send. I am sharing here the testimony how this song came to being. My youngest sister Roseline, who took care of my parents and did not get married become lonely after both of them went to be with the Lord. With my own family responsibilities I
couldn't do much for her. One day I was praying 'Lord Roseline is so lonely,
I just don't know how to fill her void, please help her'. And I felt the Lord say - 'She is not alone I am with her, more than you can fill or give'. And the words just started pouring into my heart as I penned these lines. I then wanted a famous tune so that the children would really enjoy (it was December), and of course what best than the 'Jingle bells'. My kids at Sunday school and the Good news clubs love to sing this song and I am sure other kids will also enjoy. The words are (tuned to 'Jingle bells')
"Wherever I may go, I know you'll go with me
For this is your promise in the Bible - Joshua 1:9
I'm not alone, I'm not alone, my Father is with me
I rest in His arms knowing that He cares like no one cares for me
Hey! I'm not alone I'm not alone, my Father is with me
O how faithful my Jesus is He tramples my enemies.
He fights battles for me, and wins me victories
I know He'll never let me down, all through life's journey. Hey!"
Please do share it with others. Thank you so much.
My name is Esther - I am working for the Govt. of India and during my free time serving the Lord. Pray for me, my two kids, Pastor husband.
With lots of love
4) Bible Without Error?
I used to think that the adding up of the generations of the Lord's genealogy added up to what it says in Matthew chapter one, if we consider that the one named Joseph is Mary's
father instead of Joseph her husband, but that was before I found out some more information from another on this subject of this
What I found out was that Jeconiah's father's name is not included, so there is apparently
a missing generation.
I Chronicles 3 tells of Josiah's sons.
In the Bible, I learned that Jeconiah is also known by other names, such as "Jehoiachin" (II Chron. 36:8,9) and "Coniah" (Jeremiah 22:28).
This might seem like a lot of information to sort out, but it seems clear to me now, that
the numbering of the generations do not add up as I had thought previously.
I cannot prove my Bible is without error, but I can say it has proved to me that Jesus is who he said he is and that I have eternal life through him.
--from SSTN: your
query was submitted to Walter B. Arnold, pastor and Bible historian. See his response,
item #5.
The Great Promises of the Bible
features the “big picture” covenant promises pertaining to God’s redemptive
history, beginning with the promises God made in the Garden of Eden and
extending through to the promise of a new heaven and a new earth for God’s
people. A great study for Sunday school, midweek classes or for rotation-type programs!
For K-5th grade.
to read more.
5) Bible Without Error
This is not an issue of errant versus inerrant Scripture.
The number of generations is stylized, that is, it is not intended to be an exhaustive or absolutely historical family tree...generations are skipped to create the symmetrical 14 generation profile. The genealogy in Matthew is intended to establish Jesus' legal claim to the throne of David...he had to be Jehoiachin's, Coniah's or Jeconiah's heir (all the same king)...as
RB has learned. Sometimes we find ourselves asking questions or answering questions the Biblical writers are not asking and seeing apparent contradictions or
discrepancies where none exist. The different genealogies in Matthew and Luke are a case in point. There is a nice article on genealogies in the Archeological Study Bible. The Jews developed a numerical value to letters called gammatria.
The numerical value of David's name is fourteen...so the choice of fourteen generations maybe stylized around David's name as well as David's throne. Another helpful note is found in the New Bible Commentary on Matthew 1.
Any good evangelical commentary will have a discussion on this issue. Hope this
is helpful.
Walter "Lucky" Arnold)
6) A Christmas Carol - Scrooge In Bethlehem
I used a script with Music titled “A Christmas Carol - Scrooge In Bethlehem” adapted and arranged by Anna Laura Page and Jean Anne Shafferman. We were able to use ages 3 to 17 with this skit. This skit could easily be done without the Music if desired or just by using a piano interlude as desired.
Feel free to contact me directly for more information:
Todd Efing
LeRoy Presbyterian Church
Cell: 585-259-3340
--from SSTN: this script can be found in
our affiliate bookstore at: http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Carol-Musical-Children-Giving/dp/0834173727/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1255355173&sr=8-1
7) Halloween - Gospel Tracts
children come to your door looking for treats this Halloween, give them something
that will last for eternity! Print out our f-r-e-e gospel tracts to tell them
about Jesus. You'll find them in our Fall Festival and Fall Treats
section at: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/crafts-holidays.html
8) Lip Synch Teen Skits?
the kids doing their videos
looked great...can u lead me to a group which could help me in drama/skits for
junior high ages. what we would like to do is listen to prerecorded words and
music and we would simply do a lip synchronization on the dramas. you see we
really do not have great resources for microphones especially the lapel ones
which is very useful while walking about...we've done Joseph the dreamer and David
in lip synch type and it was much easier though i really took the effort to
listen and copy the conversations. i teach performing arts in a bible school
in the Philippines. thank you i look forward to your helping me out. shalom
9) Managing
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