
The Place for Christian Education Communication
need the Lord...teach them about Jesus!
Issue #35 - October 1 , 2009
where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. ~ Jesus
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Read what our fellow teachers are saying and asking:
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the page to view articles.
1) Persecuted Christians
2) Reinforce the Call to Pray
3) Teacher Appreciation Spoon Idea
4) Brave Women
participation makes SSTN a success!
5) Lectionary-based Kid's Sermons?
6) Serving On God's
Team - Sermon
7) God's Amazing Accuracy
8) Jesus Loves All the
Children - Poem
9) Recommending
1) Persecuted Christians
Voice of the Martyrs, www.persecution.com also provides a children's program with magazines and activity booklets that highlight many children in various countries who are bold for Jesus. It is called "Kids of Courage". Our Children's Education Ministry will be incorporating some of this into our regular classes and we also always participate in the International Day Of Prayer for the Persecuted Church which is sponsored through one of the links on the above website called Open Doors. IDOP is on Sunday, November 8th this year. Last year I sent a letter home to parents ahead of time and we took the children's offering from that Sunday (along with some donors from the congregation) and purchased Bibles to be given to children in other countries who don't have any. I also had a former missionary come and tell the children of some of her experiences (not any too intense) and she brought some Bibles in that were written in Chinese for the children to look at. Check it out. It gets kids praying and realizing there are many other kids who are Christians all around the world and that they don't all have the freedom to attend church school or read their Bibles.
Marilyn Commins
Director of Children's Education Ministry
St. Bartholomew's Anglican Church
Tonawanda, New York
2) Reinforce the Call to Pray
I would like to reinforce the call to pray for these two women. Please pray too, for those who are being 'watched' in that country. These Christians who are being watched have chosen to stay in order to be able to share the good news. In other words they are choosing to die for the cause of Christ, they are choosing martyrdom. This is not to say that God cannot intervene but this is their likely future. The web is always public so I will not say more, other than to say this hits very close to home for me, and ask that you would pray. Thank-you
3) Teacher Appreciation Spoon Idea
In reply to Peggy, Another variation of this spoon gift is to dip the spoon in chocolate and let the chocolate harden, tie a ribbon on the spoon and attach a card with the saying, "Good teachers are like a spoon that cradles and nurtures and stirs up children to love and good works. Thanks for blessing the children in our church with your caring ministry." Wrap this spoon up with a mug and a packet of hot chocolate or coffee. (Mugs are often $1at the dollar store.)
Kathy Norquist
Burien, WA
4) Brave Women
Dear - sir
I am glad for your E-mailing me . God bless you I will start praying for the 2 brave women that are in prison .
I trust that Jesus will help them.
5) Lectionary-based Kid's Sermons?
Dear Sirs:
Your website is great! Would it be possible to offer ideas corresponding to the current Lectionary readings? For example: Esther 7:1-6,9-10; 9:20-22, Psalm 124, James 5:13-20, & Mark 9:38-50, for the 17th Sunday after Pentecost (Sept. 27th, 2009)?
More and more Christian churches are following the Lectionary, and its three year cycle. Our Church School is also being lead by the Lectionary. It’s inspiring to think that it is possible for all Christian churches throughout the world to be studying and discussing the same Bible passages at the same time!
Thank you and blessings,
Barbara Bruning
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ (UCC)
--from SSTN: funny you should ask for two reasons! First, check out item #6,
below. It is exactly what you're requesting! And second, I am currently
writing a sermon series "loosely" based on the lectionary. I say
loosely, because as you note the verses for the 17th Sunday are varied.
Therefore, a sermon could be based on anyone of those and might not be the
focus of the adult message of the day; not to mention, there are three years
of sermons (A,B, and C).
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
If anyone in the network has
written sermons that are based on the lectionary, please share them with us!
6) Serving On God's Team - Sermon
"Today we’re going to hear some Bible stories that help us understand what it means to serve on God’s team. The first story is from the book of Esther. Does anyone remember that story? Who can tell me what happened? Yes, that’s..."
To read the rest of this sermon, follow the
Serving On God's Team
link on our Anytime
Bible Talks & Sermons page at:
7) God's Amazing Accuracy
I really enjoyed reading the article [SSTN #34] about God's amazing accuracy in this week's issue of SSTN. Being a biology teacher in school as well as a
Sunday school teacher, I can appreciate the wonder of God's amazing perfection in His creation.
Joy Sundaram
8) Jesus Loves All the Children - Poem
The red child Jesus holds close
to his heart,
Not wanting his little ones to leave or depart.
The brown child God cherishes more than you'll know,
He promises forgiveness, the Bible tells us it's so!
Yellow children both near and far,
Jesus' love is greater than all of the stars.
The little black child he came to save,
He died on the cross and rose from the grave!
Jesus loves the white child and he says obey,
I am the Life, the Truth, and the Way.
Jesus says come, I'll be your Savior and King,
This should make you want to sing!
One big family of children he saved,
A world delivered, the price was paid!
Copyright 2009 S.A. Keith
To see a coordinating craft to accompany this poem, follow this link:
9) Recommending
Dear SSTN friend,
I am recommending/forwarding some of your suggested curriculum materials particularly games and simple arts and crafts to some of our Sunday School teachers and curriculum writers of our church.
Thanks you very much because they are very useful to us.
God bless and more power.
--from SSTN: thank you, Aida! If you scroll down to the bottom of the
newsletter, there is a link for forwarding to your friends. I'm so glad to
know SSTN is helping you minister to kids!
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projects in the site, visit the following webpage: http://www.SundaySchoolNetwork.com/ministry_support.html
Or, write your US check or US Money Order to:
S.A. Keith - Creative Imaginations (d.b.a.)
Mail to:
438 East
Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403
(In the memo section of your check write: "SSTN Subscription." Please
include your email address.)
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
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