
The Place for Christian Education Communication
need the Lord...teach them about Jesus!
Issue #33 - September 18, 2009
where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. ~ Jesus
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Read what our fellow teachers are saying and asking:
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the page to view articles.
1) Carnival Games, Christmas Program?
2) Make the Lesson Stick
3) Persecuted Christians
4) Upcoming Fall
Holiday Ideas
participation makes SSTN a success!
5) What is an e-book?
6) Archives Updated
7) Origin of the Species in Colleges
8) Lessons for Church?
The Prayer of Jesus

Kids to Pray Based
on the Prayer of Jesus
1) Carnival Games?
I need ideas for carnival for fundraiser for our youth group. have any ideas? and
also would like to know if anybody knows where to find a Christmas program without music for grades 2-6.
--from SSTN: yes on both. Use the search tool on the home page to locate
carnival games and the "Christian Skits" link to find Christmas
dramas. Both links are listed in the bright, green box, above.
2) Make the Lesson Stick
Note to parents: Waiting at the bus stop can be productive! Read this
week's memory verse and then play round robin. One person begins by saying
the first word in the verse, next person says the next word, and so on until
the verse is repeated. You can also spend time reading through different
books of the Bible. Discuss how the story applies to your child's life for that day. Don't forget to
3) Persecuted Christians
Two Iranian women, Maryam Rustampoor, 27, and Marzieh Amirizadeh, 30, who converted from Islam to Christianity were arrested and put into prison for having New Testaments in their home, and now have been sentenced to be executed as reported by Agazilos.org. According to Iranian law, if a person rejects Islam, the sentence is execution.
Since March 2009, both Meryem and Marzieh are being detained in Tehran's notorious Evin prison. It is said that they are being beaten and tortured 5 times a day in conjunction with the call to prayer. At the beginning of their imprisonment, the women were held with 25 others prisoner, now they are in isolation and blindfolded. It is also been told that their food will diminish for every day that they don’t recant their faith in Jesus.
The 9th of August 2009 was the first day in court. Haddad, the deputy prosecutor insisted with great pressure that the women should renounce their Christian faith, both in writing and verbally. According to secure information, it was a moving sight how the two women persisted, even with Mr. Haddad and they repeatedly stressed that they did not regret anything and they would not recant their faith in Christ.
I implore everyone to pray fervently for these brave and amazing women for strength to cling to their faith in Jesus Christ and for God to work His miracles in their situation. Let’s not turn our backs on these women whose only guilt is their faith in Christ.
You can send protest messages to other Iranian Embassies, you can find all the Embassies of Iran at Worldwide
You can also leave a message of solidarity to Maryam and Marzieh at
4) Upcoming Fall Holiday Ideas
To download upcoming FALL holiday ideas, visit the following links:
Crafts: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/page6.html
Lessons: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/sermons.html
Games: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/page10.html
Skits: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/skits.html
5) What is an e-book?
--from SSTN: An e-book is a book that can be downloaded from the internet. To
learn more about the advantages of e-books and our current list, visit the
following link: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/curriculum_ebooks.html
6) Archives
SSTN archives have been updated and are ready for searching out ideas. It's a
goldmine, take advantage!
7) Origin of the Species in Colleges
is an awesome way to present the other side of the evolution debate to college
students: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GN9zpf5cT0M&feature=channel_page
8) Lessons for Church?
Thank you for your site in this network. I am looking for lessons for
Sunday school in my church everyday. This helps me to find that. God Bless You.
--from SSTN: I'm glad the
network is helping you! Just a reminder, if you scroll up to the bright, green
box at the top of this newsletter, those links will take you to all of our
f-r-e-e and pay-for-use materials.
keep SSTN going. Become a Support Partner today!
One dollar a month helps provide Christian educational resources in the website and newsletter. To learn how you can partner with me, and have access to a few special
projects in the site, visit the following webpage: http://www.SundaySchoolNetwork.com/ministry_support.html
Or, write your US check or US Money Order to:
S.A. Keith - Creative Imaginations (d.b.a.)
Mail to:
438 East
Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403
(In the memo section of your check write: "SSTN Subscription." Please
include your email address.)
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
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Copyright 1997 -
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ChristianTeachersNetwork.com | Sunday-School-Lessons.com | Bible-Lessons.net
| FreeCraftsAndGames.com
SSTN has developed a Prayer Board for it's members. You
may submit your requests, but while you're there, pray for
others too! We ask that you guard this area and monitor it for
abuses that could arise. It is not a place for gossip or for
marketing products. Please respect this area. It has been set apart
for you! Follow this link to begin posting your prayer requests and
praying for your brothers and sisters in Christ across the world: