
The Place for Christian Education Communication
need the Lord...teach them about Jesus!
Issue #31 - September 3, 2009
where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. ~ Jesus
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this issue of the SSTN Newsletter:
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the page to view articles.
1) Money From Sunday School Children
2) Jodie Crowe?
3) God's Field Poem
participation makes SSTN a success!
4) Daily Devotions: Have A Plan
5) Baptism Booklet?
6) Twelve Tribes of Israel (Levi)?
1) Money From Sunday School Children
A few years ago when I was teaching the Junior class, the people in
Beslan had many of their children killed by terrorists. My kids brought
money for those families and were overjoyed to do it. I still have
pictures of some of those slain children they sent us and our kids
prayed for the families who lost them.
Helen Setser
2) Jodie Crowe?
you please contact me at: sarah@sundayschoolnetwork.com
? Sorry to contact you via SSTN,
but I haven't had success by any other means.
so much!
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
SSTN Administrator
3) God's Field Poem
I liked the poem Five Christian Pumpkins by Barbara Kraft which appeared in #30.
As I was driving along the road
I noticed how tall the corn had growed
Each stalk had ears with tassels out
As if the glory of God to shout
Telling me about his grace
About his patience, the run, and race
It wasn't to the fastest, quickest, and best
But to the patient, faithful, and those who rest
They told me of God's faithful care
His watering, sunlight, and how they fared
They didn't work hard, but stood together
They simply received, unhindered, unfettered
Alone, a stalk might simply dry out,
Or fall by breakage being blown about
But in God's field where he planted them
They stand, give glory, and tell their hymn
No copyright, just a home spun poem.
4) Daily Devotions: Have A Plan
It's been said, "If you aim at nothing, you are sure to hit it!" To have a meaningful daily devotion, you will need a plan or some kind of general outline to follow for your quiet time. It could be something as simple as
To download the rest of this lesson, go to the Older Teens and Adult
Lessons page at:
5) Baptism Booklet?
Hi, I have been trying to find a short booklet to use when the children in our
Church want to be baptized. I would rather not take the time to write one if
there is one out there somewhere. We are a Baptist Church and I would love one
simpler than Kids desiring God uses.
Blessings as you serve,
--from SSTN: Hi Nancy, check out "What
is a bathtub doing in my Church?" and God
should I be baptized?
Click the titles or find them in our affiliate bookstore by typing the
titles in the search box at:
6) Twelve Tribes of Israel (Levi)?
My church is doing the twelve tribes of Israel. My tribe is Levi and we have to put together a skit for 2min. Each person in the tribe has to say something about Levi and is descendants. I really need help with putting this together. Each group consist of ten people.
SSTN: You might reenact the part of Moses coming down from the mountain--after
receiving the Ten Commandments--only to discover Aaron and the Israelites
worshipping the golden calf. Moses in his anger called out, "Who is on
the Lord's side?" It was the descendants of Levi who displayed zeal for
God's honor and rallied to Moses' side. Because of their devotion, God chose
the Levites to serve in the sanctuary, replacing the firstborn of a family as
God's special representative.
upon giving of the Law, and when Moses and the Levites rallied for the Lord,
3000 people were killed that day. Then on Pentecost, when God sent his Spirit
to inhabit believers and began writing his law upon their hearts, 3000 people were
added to the Kingdom of God that day! (See
Exodus 32::26-28; Num. 3:12-13, 41; Jeremiah 31:33)
God is always about redemption and building his kingdom!
Sarah Keith <><
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Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
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