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"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
Matthew 18:20

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<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< Volume 1 - Number 25 <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
March 1, 2000
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religious song
Idea for fun Bible class
Farewell send off
Golden Rule, crafts etc./outdoor bible games
Christian Easter activities/games
prayer - A.L.T.A.R.

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> Our pastor is moving in a month; does anyone have
> any good ideas for some sort of a "farewell" send-off from our kids? I'm

There is a religious song - I don't know who wrote it or the name, but it
was written for our leaders of the church and thanks them. It is really
cute - you may want to call and ask a Christian Music shop/store if
they know it. I tell you this song is great! If I find out more info. on
it I will forward as soon as possible. I am trying to find it myself to teach
my class so that we can sing a dedication to Father.

Christy Spehar - 3rd Grade PSR - Ohio
(From ChristianCrafters.Com- I believe the song is entitled, "Thank You" it's a tear jerker! I can't remember who wrote it. Anybody know?)

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Idea for fun Bible class - I like to read "Sneetches" by Dr. Suess.
This is a great book because it teaches children to recognize
differences and that everyone is unique:

I add to the story by purchasing small star stickers and tell the
children to raise their hands when they decide they WANT to
be a Star Bellied Sneetch - or raise their hand when they want
the star removed. I ask them how they would feel if they were
a Plain Belly Sneetch in the beginning, the middle, and the end.
I pass out marshmallows during the marshmallow toast
(just for fun!). Ask the children without stars how they feel. By
the end of the story, what have the Sneetches learned about themselves?
Each other? Do any of the children remember if they were a
Plain-Bellied or Star-Bellied Sneetch at the beginning?

Just a fun exercise.

Christy Spehar - 3rd Grade PSR - Ohio

(From ChristianCrafters.Com-Thank you Christy, that is a unique way to teach children that we are to respect everyone (1 Peter 2:17) and that God loves each of us, red, brown, yellow, black and white! In fact, he loved us before we even trusted in him! (1 John 4:19).

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Farewell send off:
We had a farewell Sunday this past week. I had the children write prayers or scriptures for the people that were leaving and we attached them to balloons and let them go up to heaven. each child read out loud what he/she had written. The children really enjoyed this.
Cindy, Texas

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I love the babyfood jar cover ideas, my only problem is now, i don't know which one to choose, but that's a good problem to have! Also, regarding the farewell to the pastor, how about taking a popular christian tune that kids know and changing the words to personalize it for the pastor and his family.

Also, does anyone have any good ideas for teaching the Golden Rule, crafts etc... I'm moving into that from the Ten Commandments and would really like to take advantage of the "golden" part. Also, any new ideas for teaching the fruit of the spirit? That's next for us.

Also, the bible tic tac toe game has been a real success with my kids. We use it whenever we have a few spare minutes to fill at the end of class. I gear the questions as review for things we learned in previous days. With the weather warming up we'll be moving outside more. Any good outdoor bible games? Thanks, this is fun!!!

(From ChristianCrafters.Com-check out the Bible games section for two outdoor games, "Please Pass The Fruit" and the "Body of Christ".)

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>Can anybody help me out with teaching a basic form of intercessory prayer to
>my children.

When I taught my 3rd graders how to pray, we used the word Altar:
A = Adore God. Tell God how great and good he is.
L = Love God. Tell God how much you love him.
T = Thank God for something special
A = Ask God to help you, your family, and all people.
R = Resolve to do something special to show God your love.

Idea for Moses lesson - as a project, make a mural "God Calls Us" - showing
the Israelites' call to be God's people on one side and ours to be
Christians on the other side. Can have them draw their ideas or cut them
out of magazines ???

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Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark.
Professionals built the Titanic. :o)

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Thank you to all who post the great ideas.

A web site with some Christian Easter activities http://childfun.com/easter/rel.shtml

Some books I have found very helpful in teaching 5th-8th grades are:

Overhead Projector Games & More Overhead Projector Games
author: Ed Dunlop
Standard Publishing

These have transparencies that can be used to review any Bible lesson. You add your own questions.

God bless.
Anamosa, IA

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Don't forget about the availability of free Bible Games and Christian crafts @ ChristianCrafters.Com! If you have a Bible game or Christian craft that you've created, email me and share it with the rest of the world! The opinions expressed in the SSTN e-Newsletter are not necessarily endorsed by ChristianCrafters.Com

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