Welcome to THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER'S NETWORK "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
Matthew 18:20
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It will be nice to see who is writing from where! :o)
Can anybody help me out with teaching a basic form of intercessory prayer to my children. We have spent the past few weeks on talking to God and how to P.R.A.Y. and I would like to move on. I was thinking about character lessons of great intercessors i.e. Moses we do have the Ness Videos that we have yet to use. Anyway I would love to hear some other ideas. Oh I also have seen the hand in prayer that some use. Experience anyone?
Praise God
Ask God to supply your needs
Yield--let God have control
I used it when we did the model prayer.
With the love of Christ,
Roseville, MI
Ages 4-11
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In reply to Holly I taught a lesson on baby Moses and for a craft I got little green berry baskets (I always save them). Sometimes cherry tomatoes come in these baskets. I drew a little picture of a baby and made copies and cut them out. I cut little pieces of fabric (blankets) that would fit in the basket. The children colored their picture of baby Moses, wrapped him in a blanket and placed him in the little basket. They really loved this craft. These children were pre school age.
"Live each day to the fullest and make it a masterpiece"
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> we will be learning the story of Moses. If anyone has any ideas for crafts,
> games, etc, please let me know.
One idea a tried with my Beginner's Church (ages 3yr - 6yr) to illustrate the story of Moses in the Bulrushes. The kids loved it and it was hard to get they to let this river puller rest - so we made the following craft!
Craft: I used the tiny plastic baskets that you can get for a bridal shower for nuts - (you can let the kids paint these brown or just leave them white) - then cut a piece of cloth and make a baby from the baby clothes pins that you can get at any craft store. Place the blanket in the basket or wrap the baby in the basket first, then place in the basket.
Game or object lesson: Use a large oval shaped clothes basket or a box for your basket. Assign a Moses to be in the basket -- let the other children be the princess, the sister, the handmaids and the crocodiles. Attach a rope to the basket then pull from one end of the river (room) to the other. Take turns letting the children swap the parts they play. The children will remember the story of Moses in the basket!
Good luck -
Nan Richardson
Conyers, Georgia
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I am sure you have all seen the beanie baby SNAIL: SWIRLY. There are
also lots of snail garden statues and snail nic nacks. It is a GREAT lesson that the smallest of kids can understand!!!! ENJOY!
Could anyone give me a snail craft????? THANKS!
Just as the snail is slow and the slug is sluggish, so too, our God is slow to get angry and slow to wrath. We should follow His example exactly!
…” But You are God,
ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, SLOW to anger, abundant in
kindness, and did not forsake them…”
Nehemiah 9:17
“The Lord is merciful and gracious, SLOW to anger,
and abounding in mercy.”
Psalms 103:8
“The Lord is gracious and full of compassion,
SLOW to anger and great in mercy.”
Psalms 145:8
“…Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful,
SLOW to anger and of great kindness;
and He relents from doing harm.”
Joel 2:13
“… let every man be swift to hear, SLOW to speak, and SLOW to wrath.”
James 1:19
“He who is SLOW to anger is better than the mighty…” Proverbs 16:32
“The discretion of a man makes him SLOW to anger,
and his glory is to overlook a transgression.”
Proverbs 19:11
"As a deer panteth for the waters, so my soul panteth after Thee, O
God..." Psalms 42:1,2
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** Have any of you noticed how many DRAGONFLY objects are out in the
stores now?? There are keychains, baskets, hairpins, mugs, cards you name
it and it has dragonflys on it. Well, here is a lesson God just gave me
after I found out a special characteristic of the dragonfly: his EYES!
Also, could anyone share with me a craft for dragon flys???? If I find one I'll let you know, too!
As the EYES of a dragonfly
occupy nearly its entire head
enabling it to see forward, backward, and sideways,
so, too, the Christian is enabled
to see Him Who is invisible
with eyes that look unto Jesus to be saved;
eyes that look not at the things seen
but at the things unseen;
eyes that look not on our own needs
but on the needs of others also;
eyes that are opened
to behold wondrous things out of God’s Word
and look to ourselves
lest we lose those things which we worked for
and receive not our full reward;
eyes that look for the mercy of our Lord Jesus,
for His coming, and for new heavens.
Psalms 119:18; Isaiah 45:22; 2 Corinthians 4:18; James 1:25; 2 John 8;
Philippians 2:4; 3:20; 2 Peter 3:12-13; Jude 21
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SEND IN YOUR SUGGESTIONS, REQUESTS & IDEAS! :o) Invite your friends and coworkers to join us!
You can access past SSTN letters: Go to christiancrafters.com and click on Sunday School Teachers, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on 'Archives List'.
Don't forget about the availability of free Bible Games and Christian crafts @ ChristianCrafters.Com! If you have a Bible game or Christian craft that you've created, email me and share it with the rest of the world! The opinions expressed in the SSTN e-Newsletter are not necessarily endorsed by ChristianCrafters.Com
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