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Issue #20 - May 21, 2008
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

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1) The C.I.A.
2) Communion Lesson
3) Communion Lesson for 5-10 yr olds
4) Communion Lesson
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5) Girls and Wild, Wild
6) Father's day song?
7) VBS - All ages
8) Communion Lesson
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1) The C.I.A.
The C.I.A. = "Christians In
Action". Wouldn't this make a great name for a youth group?
2) Communion Lesson
I teach the communion lesson to children ages 4 - 12. The best thing that I have found is a lesson from Child Evangelism that ties the Last Supper and the Communion together. It is called UNTIL I COME and it was in the January/February 1993 issue of EVANGELIZING TODAY'S CHILD . You could check with your local CEF chapter and I am sure someone will have it. If not, you can contact me and I can send you the text. You could improvise pictures. (It is a flannel story) I also use the ARCH book THE BREAD AND WINE The story of the Last Supper. You can find this at most Christian Book Stores.
I do not know the rules for giving contact information. My email is bevtunnell@gmail.com If she can not find the text.
--from SSTN "The Bread
and the Wine: Story of the Last Supper" is available in our
bookstore. Just type the title into the search box to locate it at: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/bookstore.html
3) Communion Lesson for 5-10 yr olds
I would go to the Bible where Jesus broke the bread and said eat...I would have some pieces of bread and grape juice to bring it to life for them...maybe you can bring them to the sanctuary too to let them see where it is kept on the altar...something to get you started! i would also explain when it is right to take communion (when you have acknowledged that you are sorry for your sins, for not forgiving your brother or sister and at what stage (e.g. after you have been confirmed)
4) Communion Lesson
is a great time to teach children that Jesus' "Last Supper" took
place during the Passover Seder. To understand that when Jesus said, this is
my body broken for you, he was breaking the unleavened bread that symbolized
the Jews leaving in haste from slavery in Egypt. Unleavened bread also represents
the removal of sin. Likewise, Jesus frees us from our slavery to sin. Also,
when Jesus said, "This is my blood shed for you.", he said that when
sipping the third cup of wine during the Seder Meal. This cup was designated
as the "Cup of Redemption", which at the time, he was about to do on
the cross for all who would trust in him.
5) Girls and Wild, Wild
I'd like to respond to #3 Girls and Wild, Wild West.
In training up young girls at a camp, how about the idea of how the west was once untamed.
There was a time when there wasn't much law in the land. People carried guns and did what each thought was right in their own eyes...
Tie this in with the book of judges, and show examples of the Deliverers that judged
(listened to causes of those oppressed by others, to see what is right) Jer 22:3 for example.
They could choose their own delivers like the 7 in Acts 6. The 7 could be called upon
by anyone who feels oppressed by another, who has first gone to that one and has not
been able to resolve the conflict.
The 7 could hear all causes, all matters at hand and see what is right. When they have
heard all the matter and they have determined any actions to have been wrong, they may
make the plea, "Please Have Mercy."
They could be called upon, not to judge people, but actions that people have taken.
They simple hear all matters and make the plea for mercy when good to do so.
A overseer may watch over everything, and remind anyone who does not show mercy,
(saying, "What I did was wrong, Please forgive me." for example) that there are disciplinary
agents that they may be delivered over to for rehabilitation, retraining, and correction.
I'm sure there is lots of work to do at a camp.
- RB
6) Father's day song?
Hi There
Please help. I am looking for a song for the youth to sing on fathers day at church. Any ideas?
Jasmin Singh
7) VBS - All ages
last year we did a VBSfX (vacation Bible School family X-perience) the women met for a short Beth Moore study, the guys hung out with a different Elder each night to get to know each other and do a devotional, the teens were helpers and of course the elementary kids were part of the VBS. It worked great even not having everyone studying the same topic.
8) Communion Lesson
Dear Wanda, There is a delightful Australian children's book called "Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge" by Mem Fox, which tells of a little boy who helps to spark off the memory of an elderly
neighbor by bringing her everyday objects.
Jesus, the greatest teacher ever, used kinesthetic means to help His listeners to learn and remember. At a family service on communion, I told the story on
PowerPoint, bringing the objects in for the children to see, and then linked it in with how Jesus used bread and wine to remind us of what He has done on the cross. Hope this helps.
Jane McKendry
--from SSTN: you can find this
book in our bookstore by typing the title into the search box at:
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