3) Autumn, "The One Constant"
(Read the book of Joshua)
Change is evident-the vibrant autumn colors seem to have burst forth overnight as the warm days of summer give way to the cool, crisp temps. During this season, we are reminded of the fact that to EVERYTHING, there is a season (Ecc. 3:1). Change can be productive and
effective---it is certain. In our reading for this month, we find Joshua had served Israel's great leader Moses, but change was on the horizon. Joshua eventually filled the leadership role among God's chosen people. He had been taught well and trained for this awesome task.
Our students are growing, developing, and changing everyday. The world in which we live is changing. Our students must be prepared in order to take their 'Joshua' place in God's world. Every time we prepare a lesson, stand before a class, grade a test, participate in a conference, attend an after school activity, counsel a student; we do it for the leaders who are in "the
making." When God's timing is perfect, they will take their rightful place as a
In the midst of all that changes-seasons, leaders, circumstances, the One True and Living God remains changeless. Let's pause and thank the LORD for using us in grooming our students to be what He has created them to be. Let's look to Him and commit our Joshuas and the changes to Him.
Prayer Focus
Dear Lord, we hear your voice saying, "I am The Lord and I change not". (Malachi 3:6) "I am the same yesterday, today, and forever". (Hebrews 13:8). Thank you, Father for your unchanging hand in the midst of so many changes. Lord, as our students develop into leaders, may we see their potential. Help us to see them through Your eyes. Give us vision today to get a glimpse of what they shall be tomorrow. Thank you, LORD for our role in their development. in JESUS name-AMEN.
+Week 1-pray for schools (students, teachers, staff to know JESUS)
Discipline-be a witness of the love of CHRIST
+Week 2-pray for the physically challenged
Discipline-good steward over our bodies (exercise/eat properly/rest)
+Week 3-pray for the socially challenged
Discipline-befriend someone today
+Week 4-pray for those who are happy
Discipline-rejoice with them
© 2006 Penelope White
MEd.- Monthly Educators' Devotional