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Issue #13 - April 2, 2008
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

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1) The Empty Tomb
2) Rebirth - New Life Skit
3) Salvation games and lessons?
4) Spring Cleaning
participation makes SSTN a success!
5) Tin Can Fun?
6) Kids say the darnedest things
7) Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
8) From Atheist to Turkish Pastor
9) Expelled movie "Theater Link"
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1) The Empty Tomb
I teach children from 2 to 5. I've done this several times and it has been very successful. I start by giving each child a marshmallow peep and telling them some people believe that Easter is all about the Easter bunny and Easter baskets. but I want to tell them the true story of the first Easter. I tell them of Jesus birth and how he grew to tell all of the gospel. then I tell them of the cross and how he died to save us from our sins. as I tell them, I give them bread that I have shaped as a cross. I tell them of how Jesus was buried in a tomb. on the third day, Mary went to see Jesus and the angel announced Jesus was not there. I shape rice krispie treats in the shape of a tomb, with an angel and a rock. I pull back the rock and ask them what is inside. Nothing! I them tell them the tomb was empty. Jesus has Risen! Then when the lesson is over
they all eat!
--from SSTN: there's a game entitled the "Empty Tomb" in the Bible
games section at:
2) Rebirth - New Life Skit
There's a short, lighthearted skit on new life in Christ at:
3) Salvation games and lessons?
I have an entire Sunday school class (ages 1 1/2 - 13) that are unsaved. Their heart slates are empty when it comes to Bible knowledge. Could use some group games that will lead to a discussion or have a lesson on Salvation. Also, some clever ideas to explain the gospel and keep their attention as they are all
antsy not knowing how to behave in church.
Thank you
Bonnie in Sebring
4) Spring Cleaning
> thought of a few cleaning products to use in the object lesson.
> Shout (laundry detergent), Joy (dishwashing soap),
I meant S.O.S. scrubbing pads, as would relate to spring cleaning and Save Our Souls.
Tin Can Fun?
Our club of 60 children aged 4-9, is collecting cans of food for donation to the local homeless shelter. For collection night, I would like to have a fun, social evening with games, food etc, centered around the theme of 'tin cans.'
Does anyone have any bright ideas of games and activities we could use, please?
Many thanks,
Sharon (Australia)
--from SSTN: make sure you
check out "God Cans" in the "Anytime Crafts" section at:
6) Kids say the darnedest things
A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds.
After explaining the commandment to "honor" thy Father and thy Mother, she asked,
"Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?"
Without missing a beat one little boy (the oldest of a family) answered, "Thou shall not kill."
7) Expelled: No
Intelligence Allowed
Well-known evangelist Ray Comfort has written an excellent review of the new Ben Stein movie "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed," to come out in theaters on April 18th. Below is the link to Comfort's review. I hope you'll enjoy it, and that you'll tell your local movie theaters that you'd like them to make a long run of the movie "Expelled" in your home town! Dr J
8) From Atheist to Turkish Pastor
Read a wonderful testimony. Click
9) Expelled
movie "Theater Link"
following link will help you find a theater in your area that is showing this
very important movie: http://www.expelledthemovie.com/theaterap.php
I suggest you put in the state where you live, and then miles to go from there. After putting in your state, it goes kinda slow,
so be patient for the list of theaters to pop in after that. Remember, this will be the biggest thing since the Scopes Trial!!
We all need to go and see it. We all need to tell our local theater we want them to show it!!
The list on the link is not complete -- so keep that in mind.
Yours in the Great Creator & Savior, Dr Jackson
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