Sunday School Network

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Newsletter Issue #11  --  October 1, 2019  

Children's Prayer Poster

Engage children in prayer using a kinesthetic approach. As the prayer is spoken, kids point to the body part indicated in the prayer. When saying "love," make a heart with your hands or cross your arms over your heart, and for "salvation" make the sign of the cross with your hands.

An inspirational wall art poster to display in homes, churches, nurseries, schools, Sunday schools, and Bible clubs.

Available in our Etsy shop. Learn more at:

This is a digital print. You will receive a high resolution 8" x 10" JPG and PDF file, which can also be enlarged to 16" x 20" or reduced to 4" x 5" at your local print shop, Costco, or Staples.

(The cross and watermarks appear only on the sample.)


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Sarah Keith

Your Webservant, 
Sarah Keith <><


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