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March 27, 2015 -- Issue #10

Have an idea for children's ministry?
Share it at: submissions@SundaySchoolNetwork.com.
(Please review our copyright
page before submitting
your ideas or articles.)
Palm Leaf Cross
We've updated our Palm Leaf Cross directions, just in
time for Palm Sunday! Feel free to print and distribute them to your
church members this Sunday. They're fun to make and a nice keepsake
remembrance! Get the Palm
Leaf Cross directions.
Friday and Passover
Good Friday is April 3rd this year, and Passover
begins at sunset the same day!
Passover is the first of the special holy day feasts God commanded his people to celebrate (Exodus 12:1-5). It is observed on the 14th day of the first month of the Hebrew calendar, our March or April. The next six feasts are built upon this one special feast! In the same way, Easter follows Christmas. If Jesus hadn’t been born, we couldn’t celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Likewise, without Passover, the other feasts could not have happened either.
Passover not only looks back to the time when God rescued Israel from slavery in Egypt, but also to when God sent Jesus, the perfect Lamb of God, to be our Passover
Lamb. Jesus died on Good Friday, shedding his own blood, to rescue us from our slavery to
Learn more about Christ
in the Passover and the celebration of Easter.
Holy Week
The high holy days of the Christian faith are
approaching. The events of Holy Week are remembered and rehearsed because
they mark the mighty acts of God for our salvation. Palm Sunday, marks
Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on what was lamb selection day of the Passover
observance. Jewish families would purchase a lamb without blemish four days
before the lamb was to be sacrificed. They would care for the lamb and then
bring the lamb to the Temple to sacrifice it. Jesus then celebrates the
Seder meal with His disciples and announces that He has just ratified the
New Covenant of Jeremiah 31 in which God will write the Torah on their
hearts and remember their sins no more as He gives them the cup saying,
“This cup is the New Covenant in my blood, which is shed for you and for
many for the remission of sins. Drink this all of you, in remembrance of
Jesus goes to the Temple following the meal and they
sing Psalm 118, the messianic psalm which describes how the leaders of
Israel will reject . . .
Continue reading about Holy
Check out more of our Easter Season resources

Have you written a Bible lesson, game, or skit for
children's ministry?
Send it to: submissions@sundayschoolnetwork.com

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