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March 20, 2012
Questions? Opinions?
Articles are listed, below. When
replying, highlight the text that is pertinent to your response, then hit
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1) Teaching Plans on Samuel
2) Seeing God in TV Commercials
3) Lasting Beauty on the Inside
4) Open the Door to Blessing
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the F-R-E-E
Palm Branches Easter Egg with explanations!
here now.
1) Teaching Plans on Samuel
> Do you have any
interesting teaching plan [on Samuel] for preschoolers?
When planning lessons it is a good idea to
know why you want to teach it. Is there something about Samuel's life
that you want to get across to your children? What is it? What do you want
your children to learn?
SSTN -- Click
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2) Seeing God in TV Commercials
A fifth grade teacher in a Christian school asked her class to look
At TV commercials and see if they could use them in 20 ways
To communicate ideas about God. Here are some of the results:
God is like BAYER ASPIRIN, He works miracles.
God is like A FORD, He's got a better idea.
God is like COKE, He's the real thing.
God is like HALLMARK CARDS, He cares enough to send His very best.
God is like TIDE, He gets the stains out others leave behind.
God is like GENERAL ELECTRIC, He brings good things to life.
God is like WAL-MART, He has everything.
God is like ALKA-SELTZER, try Him, you'll like Him.
God is like SCOTCH TAPE, you can't see Him, but you know He's there.
God is like DELTA, He's ready when you are.
God is like ALLSTATE, you're in good hands with Him.
God is like VO-5 Hair Spray, He holds through all kinds of weather.
God is like DIAL SOAP, aren't you glad you have Him? Don't you wish everybody did?
God is like the U.S. POST OFFICE, neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet nor ice
will keep Him from His appointed destination.
God is like Chevrolet, He's the heart beat of America.
God is like Maxwell House, good to the very last drop.
God is like B o u n t y, He is the quicker picker upper; can handle the tough
jobs; and won't fall apart on you.
--from SSTN: For more ideas like this, go to "Seeing God in
Everything" in our, Anytime,
Year-round Bible Games section at:
price, with $20 coupon!
3) Lasting Beauty on the
> our theme this year is beauty inside
out. we want to teach the kids that
> lasting beauty...comes from the heart
One visual idea is to decorate two boxes, one plain
the other fancy. In the plain one place something children really like,
such as candy. In the fancy box place rocks. Ask children, "By the
looks of these boxes, which one do you suppose has the best gift
inside?" (Discuss their answers) After a few minutes choose two
volunteers to unwrap the boxes.
Before moving on to your lesson, present two more
boxes, one fancy, one plain, but this time switch the contents. This
continues the point that we should not judge the outward appearance of
anyone, because God said, "...Man looks on the outward appearance, but
the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7.
4) Open the Door to Blessing
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might...” (Ecclesiastes 9:10,
Did you know that when we do something to the best of our ability because we want to honor God, it opens the door to His glory and blessing? That means it will be easier, it will go better, and we will accomplish more.
That’s why no matter what we do, we should give it our best. This is especially true even in the little things. For example, when we’re doing the dishes or mowing the lawn, don’t drag around sour and frustrated.
Mow with enthusiasm! Mow it like we’re on a mission from God. With every step, thank God that our legs work.
Thank Him that we’re healthy and strong. At the office, we don’t just do enough to get by. We’re not working unto people, we’re working unto God.
It is imperative with our whole heart. When we volunteer at church, we should not wake up and think, “Awe, man.
Why did I volunteer? I want to sleep in!” No, we must serve Him with all our heart because that's what honors God. When we honor God, He’ll honor us.
He’ll give us His life, peace, health and blessing now and forevermore! We must be blessed to be a blessing!
Today’s prayer: Father God, thank You for Your hand of blessing on my life. I choose today to serve You with my whole heart and do everything to the best of my ability. Thank You for Your faithfulness to me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Allesa R. - Copyright 2012
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