Children's Ministry Resources


March 14, 2016 -- Issue #8






In today's newsletter:

1) Scoop from the Coop: Being Merciful

2) Yearly Lesson Plan?

3) Palm Cross

4) Living Sacrifices for Easter and Beyond

5)  Scenery for Bible Skits, Story-time

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Easter Story Activity

1) Scoop from the Coop: Being Merciful

" . . . walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" Ephesians 4:1-3 (ESV).

WHO KNEW that my chickens would inspire spiritual lessons! I knew GOD had to be in this for several reasons:

1. It’s the first pet (besides a fish) that my husband didn’t tell me “No WAY!”

2. My husband found a very cute (pre-assembled) chicken coop at farming store for HALF PRICE!

3. A Pastor’s wife (friend) saw the photo of the coop on a Facebook post and decided she wanted to give me two mature laying hens and four – 1 month old chicks…F R E E!!!

The 2nd morning of being a new Crazy Chicken Woman I had a wonderful surprise – again! The 2nd egg was delivered! I was told that the “girls, Jamimah and Beulah,” would most likely be traumatized by the move and would require getting used to their new environment before they'd lay eggs. However, “Ms. Beulah” settled in just fine. It’s our 2nd day in a row to receive a gift from her!

After my husband, Ted, discovered egg #2, he called me outside to the chicken coop to alert me of our first crisis! Seems the two big hens had "had it" with sharing the small space with the four month old baby chicks. The big girls were pecking on the baby chicks! . . . 

Find out what happened next!

Resurrection Eggs Easter Egg Craft


2) Yearly Lesson Plan?

I need a Sunday school theme and a yearly Bible plan. Can anyone help in this regard?

--from SSTN:  Sure can! The following link has multiple theme names to inspire you: 

And our Bible-4-Life Curriculum will help you to set a yearly plan to teach children, K-5th grade: 



3) Palm Cross

Get the pattern to make the Palm Cross.

Make a Palm Cross

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4) Living Sacrifices for Easter and Beyond

Therefore, I urge you, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1

What images come to mind when you read this verse? The Apostle Paul, who wrote the book of Romans, understood the cost of sacrifice—to him it meant the death of sheep, bulls and goats, and then ultimately of Jesus. But in this verse, God calls his children to present their bodies, their lives, as living sacrifices. Paul compares "dead temple sacrifices" to the "living sacrifices” made by believers who are willing to deny self (our own wants, needs, and desires), instead choosing, “Thy will be done on earth," and really meaning it. The problem with a living sacrifice as opposed to a dead one, however, is that it can crawl off the altar!

Read on about Romans 12:1 to discover what it means to "crawl off the altar."



5) Scenery for Bible Skits, Story-time

Learn to make three beautiful Bible-times background scenes.

Make your Bible skits and story-time come alive!

Children love to "dress up" and act "in the scene."

Shown here, children acting out the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14).

The patterns and instructions for our Bible-times scenes are included when you purchase Lights, Camera, Action Bible Skits--Based on the Gospel According to Mark. 







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