Mission Statement: SundaySchoolNetwork.com brings over 25 years of experience to children's ministry. Our
Bible lesson plans and activities
are designed to lead children to Christ, helping them grow in their faith, so they can proclaim the good news message to the next generation.
Made in God's Image
Now, more than ever, children need to know that
we are made in God's image. But what does it mean to be made in God’s image?
(See Genesis 1:26-27, 9:6; 1 Corinthians 11:7, Romans 8:29.)
People are the only creatures made in God’s image, not animals, or any other created thing. Have you ever wondered why we consider traits such as sharing, love, and generosity as good things, whereas
greed, hate, and selfishness are bad? It’s because God is a good and loving God and we are made in his image! To be made in God’s image means we are like him, we have the ability to think, make decisions, and be creative. We have the ability to make moral choices in our lives—good and bad. God gave people the authority to rule over all other created things, and the responsibility to love and care for his creation. When we trust in Jesus, we have the opportunity to know God in a personal way and to work with him. God’s children are to be his representatives—his image-bearers—his ambassadors on earth. We have this privilege and responsibility.
Only people have a God-shaped space that only the Holy Spirit can satisfy and fill in our souls. God has a plan for each person he created. Every human life is an image-bearer of God and is precious to him. God loves people.

This discussion for children is from our God's
Top Ten lessons,
Commandment # 6, "Do Not Murder."
SHARE this page with your friends, teachers, and
Also, check
out our adult devotional, Made
in God's Image.

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I'd love to hear from you! Email: sstn@sundayschoolnetwork.com
Sarah Keith <><
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