
January 20, 2015 -- Issue #3

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Bible Game: Bonk
Players stand in a circle. At the go teacher tosses a ball to a player who
must then say the first word of the Bible
memory verse, then pass the object clockwise to the next player, who
must say the next word, and so on until the verse is stated. However, if a
player doesn’t know a word, he or she must say, “Bonk,” at which time
the object reverses order and play proceeds until a player doesn’t know
the next word, whereupon the object reverses direction again. Continue until
verse is stated.

Find more Bible
Memory Ideas.
Promises, Promises
Class Time Discussion: What does it mean to make a promise? (A promise is a vow or pledge of something one
will do, or not do, something specified in the near or distant future.)
Throughout the Scriptures God has
made hundreds of promises. For example, the Bible says, “Those who hope in
the Lord will renew their strength.” (Isaiah 40:30), and "You will seek
me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13).
These are conditional promises, because they are dependent on the receiver’s
actions: Those who hope in God will have their strength renewed; and those
who seek God with all their heart will find him.
On the other hand, some of God’s
promises do not depend on the receiver’s actions or responses. “God is
love.” (1 John 4:16) is a fact, but it is also a promise that God will treat
the righteous and the unrighteous with fairness. “I will never leave you or
forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) is a fact, but it is also a promise concerning
God’s faithfulness to his children, and it does not depend on their
Have you ever promised to do something for someone and then didn't do it? How
do you suppose that made him or her feel? What do you suppose is the
difference between promises that people make and those promises that God has
made to his children?
Learn more about The Great
Promises of the Bible. 

Guess Who?
This book tells of a young man who
refused to bow down to other gods. He was thrown into a lion's den, and his
friends into a fiery furnace because of their faith. He became a very
important man in Babylon. God gave him a special ability to interpret
In this book, he replaced Moses as the
leader of Israel. He leads Israel's army to defeat the Canaanites. And
teaches that God's blessings are for those who obey God.
This book tells of the prophet who was faithful to God. He was known as the
"weeping prophet." He was hated by the people of Judah. He warned
the people to turn to God or they would be punished.
Find the answers, below.
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to Guess Who: Daniel, Joshua, Jeremiah. Get more Bible
books questions and answers.