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High-Five Relays
Do Unto Others Bible Game
(This Bible game coordinates well with our Sermon on the Mount Bible Lessons.
.)Today, we call this the golden rule. It is called that because gold is a precious metal and holds great value. Likewise, this teaching is a very valuable way to treat others. Jesus wants us to know that you and I are valuable to him. We are so valuable that Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment for our sins. Therefore, we must value everyone, even those who may seem less deserving. In fact, Jesus told us to love our enemies! This can be very difficult and impossible without the help of the Holy Spirit. But with his help we can pray for those who hurt us and show them kindness, treating others like we want to be treated. Since God loved us first, we are to love others, not just our friends, but our enemies too. Today’s game will help us remember this important teaching from Jesus.
Click to get the game directions.
Kids Can Make Their Own Easter Eggs Set!
A full color version that includes the black and white patterns is available on our Etsy platform. Click here.
Beatitudes In Pictures
I am excited to introduce my latest teaching tool, "The Beatitudes Pictograms." These images convey the essence of each beatitude Jesus taught in a visual, symbolic way, making it easier
for children to connect with these spiritual truths and a sure way to remember them!
But that's not all! They are available now as an instant download. To get a glimpse of these inspiring visuals and to download your set,
click here to
learn more
here to see the cards in action.
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brings over 25 years of experience to children's ministry. Our
Bible lesson plans and activities
are designed to lead children to Christ, helping them grow in their faith, so
they can proclaim the good news message to the next generation.
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